Returning Meaning to Consent[ing] and Improving the User Experience by Human-centric approaches, Automation, and the Law
Are there any alternatives to cookie Banners? Can we empower end-users and support data controllers with novel interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches? How can the Advanced Data Protection Control (ADPC), together with complementary solutions such as Human-centric Personal Data Protection and Consenting Assistant Systems (PDPCASs), shift how we practice privacy and consenting? What is the state of affairs, and what should be done next? In this session, we present the ADPC and other complementary solutions and discuss the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary gaps, barriers, enablers, and drivers of realising a human-centric and lawful practice of privacy and consenting.
Speakers/hosts: Soheil Human, Max Schrems, Alan Toner, Estelle Massé (Access Now)