

Institute of Neuroethics (AR)

Arleen Salles, MA PhD, is Senior Researcher and Executive Board Member at the Institute of Neuroethics (IoNx). Dr Salles is founder and director of Neuroética Buenos Aires (NEBA). She was a senior researcher at the Center for Research Ethics and Bioethics at Uppsala University (Uppsala-Sweden) until 2023, and Deputy Leader of the Responsible Research and Innovation Work Package of the EU-flagship Human Brain Project where she was a researcher and led the task Neuroethics and Engagement. She serves in the IEEE BRAIN Neuroethics Implementation Task Force and is executive board member of the International Neuroethics Society.



participates at the following Panels

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AI and the Brain: Toward an EU Approach to Governing Neurotechnology
HT Petite
Organised by
International Center for Future Generations (BE) 

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Upcoming Events


is present at the following upcoming events

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