Wednesday 22 May 2024
Music Room
Privacy First


The European Health Data Space is coming. We are promised control over our own data, improved health care and a prospering  European Union. A common space, a common approach and 63 other references of the word ‘common’ suggest that this should be something of us, the people. But is it, really? In this workshop we will challenge and investigate this concept of ‘common’ data spaces. Who wants to use our most private data? To what purpose? Who will benefit? How can we be sure? First we will ask the who & why question. We’ll gather first idea’s from all participants, organise and challenge them. Next we will focus on the question how to actually achieve this. While ‘primary use’ of health data may be build on relatively clear concepts, it gets more complicated when using data for research and innovation. How do we deal with confidentiality and privacy? Gradually we work towards commonly shared goals for data spaces in general. Should the EHDS be a blueprint for other data spaces to come? If not, what action is required from civil society and how do we influence the process? The workshop will loop through a process of Mentimeter polls, collecting answers, fire up a debate, finding consensus and asking the next Mentimeter question.


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