


Vanja is ECNL’s Program Director overseeing global and EU engagement programmes with over 20 years of experience. She works on the UN and EU /Council of Europe-level strategic engagement and advocacy, as well as in the EU member states, Western Balkan region, MENA, East Africa and Eurasia countries. She leads the work on securitisation and counter-terrorism / anti-money laundering measures that impact civil society, as well as ECNL’s engagement in digital and artificial intelligence (AI) issues affecting civic freedoms. Vanja has been a civil society activist since 1999. She holds a LLM degree in Public International Law from the University of Amsterdam and a Law Degree from the University of Zagreb.



participates at the following Panels

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Working on Current and Future Governance and Control of AI & Algorithms
Organised by
Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, Department for the Coordination of Algorithmic oversight (NL)

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Upcoming Events


is present at the following upcoming events

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