Thursday 23 May 2024
Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, Department for the Coordination of Algorithmic oversight (NL)


Organisations are exploring the possible applications and value of algorithms & AI, while trust in algorithms and AI is decreasing and the usage and risk increases. While compliance with the GDPR and other legislation on algorithms & AI is a complex matter, organisations need to prepare for future regulation, most notably the AI Act. But What can organisations do today to effectively govern and be in control of AI & algorithms in their organisations? What can and should be done now to use the potential but avoid risks when regulations are not perfectly clear yet? The panellists will discuss these questions and the tools and frameworks that can be used or should be developed. This panel is organised from the perspective of the AP in their new role as the coordinating supervisory authority on algorithms & AI in the Netherlands.

  • What practical lessons can and should be learned from existing regulations on how to govern and control AI & algorithms?
  • Who is involved in governing and control of AI and algorithms?
  • Which tools and instruments can already be used and which have to be developed to govern and control AI & algorithms?
  • How to start preparing for new legislation while the technology is advancing rapidly?


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