Wednesday 22 May 2024
Machine Room
Data Transfer Initiative (US)


This workshop will approach governance and AI questions from the perspective of the Data Transfer Initiative’s mission, which is to empower users through data portability. There are immense technical challenges, legal uncertainties, and possible approaches to implementation of new data portability requirements found in the DMA. There are also valuable lessons learned from implementation of data portability mandates in the GDPR and in other global contexts—as well as new use cases, opportunities, and challenges at the intersection of data portability and AI. The workshop will explore the delicate balancing act and tensions among competing interests and perspectives with the end goal of providing broad take-aways and actionable insights for the emerging AI landscape. This interactive session will engage audience members through: the use of technologies that solicit real-time feedback in response to polls, questions, and hypotheticals hands-on demonstrations of data portability services brainstorming sessions and group exercises designed to appeal to the varying perspectives and disciplines of audience members (e.g., academics, lawyers, technologists, and economists), and broad written take-aways for audience members to take with them and build upon.


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