Friday 24 May 2024
Class Room
eLaw - Leiden University (NL)


The workshop explores how a co-creation approach can serve as a model for navigating governance intricacies in AI applications for the labor market, e.g., for recruitment purposes. With a surge in AI applications for Human Resource practices and the potential impact these may have on workers, the European Commission and the Swiss Government funded the Horizon Europe BIAS project, a multi-disciplinary and cross-sector endeavor to address diversity bias in AI applications for selection and recruitment. The panel ponders the potential and limits of technical solutions to foster fairness and trustworthiness in using AI in the hiring process and discusses the effectiveness of using co-creation methods to empower job applicants and workers in this process. The HE BIAS project invites its sister project, FINDHR, and also the European Trade Union Institute, to share their experiences in the fight against AI-driven labor market discrimination.

  • Examining the positive and adverse impacts AI applications may have on workers and job seekers
  • Discussing the significance of trustworthy AI and the role of technical tools in the labor market
  • Exploring how co-creation approaches can serve as a model for navigating governance intricacies in AI applications for the labor market
  • Drawing some lessons learnt from past and ongoing experiences of co-creation approaches to AI design in the labor market

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