Friday 24 May 2024
Center for Cyber, Law and Policy, University of Haifa (IL)


The rapid developments of AI technologies and use-cases are transforming the social condition and thus challenge contemporary regulatory regimes. National and supranational authorities are in the process of devising new standards, rules, processes and institutions for governing the risks in this fast-revolving environment. The panel will discuss “AI By Design”, namely the role AI may play as a tool for compliance and enforcement of the emerging AI-related regulation. In particular, we will question the potential of ML technology in assisting evidence-based regulation, platform monitoring and automated compliance analysis. Mindful of the unique features of AI governance, including its underlying business models, transjurisdictional nature, the multiple legal fields engaged and the technological challenges involved in risk assessments, the panelists will examine the arising questions from the legal, computer-science, policy, and industry perspectives, in order to assess possible ways to address the challenges.

  • What are the conditions under which artificial intelligence may be effectively leveraged as a regulatory tool for compliance with existing and anticipated regulatory data-related regimes?
  • What technological, legal and normative challenges may arise in implementing such technological solutions?
  • To the extent AI is harnessed to regulate the development and deployment of AI technologies, what may be the impact on the interplay between public and private domains (and regulatory powers)?
  • What may be the interplay between AI-driven compliance and other compliance methods? What regulatory innovative solutions may emerge or resurface, as a result of such interplay?


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