Wednesday 22 May 2024
Class Room


14.15 - CNIL-Inria Privacy Protection Award and the 2024 EPIC International Privacy Champion Award is honoured to host a double award ceremony, chaired by representatives from the organisations and in presence of the nominated people and projects (till 14.30)

14.30 - Which Online Platforms Should be Regulated under Article 25 of the DSA?

The DSA will become directly applicable across the EU in February 2024. Its Article 25(1) prohibits online platforms from designing, organizing or operating their online interfaces with dark patterns that deceive or manipulate the recipients of their service or in a way that otherwise materially distorts or impairs the ability of the recipients of their service to make free and informed decisions. Additionally, its Article 25(2) explicitly excludes this prohibition to practices already covered in the GDPR or the UCPD. For the first time, the European Commission opened infringement proceedings against X to assess whether X may have breached the DSA by using dark patterns in its user interface. Recent research implies that many other services that face website publishers, such as Google Analytics and Shopify, are also likely to be regulated under Article 25 of the DSA. In this panel we discuss which online services are likely to be qualified as online platforms and be subject to the legal obligations of the Article 25 of the DSA. 

  • Are digital services facing websites likely to be qualified as online platforms and be subject to the legal obligations of Article 25 of the DSA? 
  • Which manipulative practices are banned in this article?
  • What are the obligations laid down by the DSA that such platforms need to comply with?
  • Which research insights can be useful to gather evidence of dark patterns under the DSA?

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