Friday 24 May 2024
European Commission (EU)


For a long time, the opacity of algorithmic systems was a barrier for those who sought to scrutinize them. Studies of online platforms often depended on voluntary cooperation of the providers of those platforms. The Digital Services Act (DSA) changes this situation. Its Article 40 sets out how certain researchers can access certain data to study systemic risks and the effectiveness of mitigation measures. To obtain access, researchers must demonstrate that they can fulfill the data security and confidentiality requirements corresponding to each request and to protect personal data. Their request must describe the appropriate technical and organizational measures they have put in place. In this session, we invite a panel of experts and the audience to discuss possible approaches researchers can take to meet those conditions, as set out in Article 40(8) DSA.

  • How can researchers meet the relevant conditions, in particular concerning the protection of personal data?
  • Which existing procedures, tools, infrastructures can be useful in this regard?
  • Which kinds of expertise will be needed? How can it be included?
  • How can legal and technical experts work effectively together to prepare successful application?


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