Thursday 23 May 2024


European elections take place just over two weeks after CPDP. The next mandate for the European Parliament and the European Commission will be key for implementing and enforcing some of the most anticipated tech laws of the decade, including the DMA, the DSA and the AI Act. At a time where the world’s most powerful tech corporations spend record levels on lobbying and sue the EU Commission over its enforcement decisions, will the EU succeed in delivering European tech policies that serve people, democracy and the planet? Will the Commission’s enforcement teams be admitted the resources required to uphold all the new rules? And can that lead to effective change on the (digital) ground?

  • At a time when we see record high levels of Big Tech lobbying, will we succeed in delivering European policies for technologies that serve humanity, democracy and the planet?
  • In particular, in the areas of public sector use, criminal justice and the environmental impact of AI, what are public interest visions for AI deployments that are limited, meaningfully transparent, open to public scrutiny, sustainable and contestable?
  • How would we continue to address harms on groups that are specifically impacted by surveillance and control?
  • How do we think our institutions can deliver these visions?


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