Thursday 23 May 2024
HT Petite
Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, University of Vienna (AT)


AI is particularly useful in neuroscience because data-driven AI models can analyse complex datasets to help researchers and health practitioners in diagnosing, treating and preventing brain diseases. As we speak, researchers are working on developing health data platforms and AI models to predict whether a person is likely to develop dementia. This enables early treatment, which is crucial in case of neurodegenerative diseases. However, these groundbreaking technologies come with several legal and ethical dilemmas. The AI models train on large amounts of data, including sensitive personal data relating to health. In the case of dementia research, it remains essential to process data of vulnerable groups – persons with dementia. The purpose of this panel is to explore the legal, ethical and technical considerations of such research, in the context of the applicable EU legal framework (GDPR, AIA, DA, EHDS, MDR).

  • What are the challenges of building European research platforms for brain data in a GDPR-compliant environment?
  • What are the technical solutions to ensure that AI models and related digital health technologies remain compliant with EU regulation?
  • How does the current legal framework for medical AI affect innovation in dementia research and what could be improved from a policy perspective?
  • How to ensure ethical and trustworthy AI in brain research, in particular what are the views of people with dementia and other stakeholders on this issue?

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