Wednesday 22 May 2024
CEPS Brussels and FIZ Karlsruhe (BE/DE)


In July 2023 the Commission published a new Adequacy Decision (the so-called EU-US Data Privacy Framework) giving the green light to transatlantic data transfers. This is the third attempt to establish a transatlantic data transfers framework in compliance with the GDPR. The two previous Adequacy Decisions - Safe Harbour and the Privacy Shield - were struck down by the CJEU due to their failure to secure an equivalent level of data protection in the US and for their violation of fundamental EU privacy rights. The new Adequacy Decision is expected to end up before the CJEU once again, which naturally leads to legal uncertainty. The panel will discuss a toolbox of ideas to overcome the unresolved dilemmas related to EU-US privacy, particularly over how to guarantee independence in the Adequacy Decisions and protect EU citizens’ rights.

  • Is the new EU-US DPF in line with fundamental rights ?
  • What is the view of policy and buisness on the new DPF?
  • How will the CJEU decide on a possible Schrems 3?
  • Which solutions come up for a future on EU-US data transfers?


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