Wednesday 22 May 2024
HT Petite
CRIDS / University of Namur (BE)


Our panel deals with the topic “AI for privacy”, and discusses how AI technology could be used to enhance privacy and data protection. Radical views consider that AI can only threaten these fundamental rights. Questionning this perspective, we explore how AI, including its regulation (through the AI Act), may be used as a tool to protect personal data and ensure compliance with privacy rules. To achieve this purpose, our renowned panelists bring in expertise from industry, regulators, and academy. On top of that, our participants to the panel also have varied backgrounds, including law, economics and IT.

  • AI Act: a regulatory tool for privacy enhancement?
  • Privacy by design: what’s new with AI (and with the latest policy orientations)?
  • Automation of data subjects’ rights: where do we stand?
  • AI for enforcement and for compliance.

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