Friday 24 May 2024
Grande Halle
Fraunhofer SCAI (DE)


Digital device technologies (DDTs), such as wearable gait sensors, voice and video recordings, bear strong potential for monitoring symptoms of chronic and increasingly prevalent diseases, such as Parkinson’s Disease (PD). This could facilitate a more personalized and higher quality treatment in the future. As part of the EU-wide project DIGIPD, we confirmed this potential using data from three different cohort studies in Luxembourg, France and Germany. Data processing using artificial intelligence allows inferring disease symptoms and their progression. We found that DDTs, which collect large amounts of data during use, are highly accepted by patients. There are, however, challenges to legally collect patient-level data and process them using artificial intelligence for research and medical development in the EU. Our panel will discuss this topic from the perspective of physicians, data scientists, patients and lawyers.

  • What is the added value of the use of digital technology for medical practice?
  • What is possible from a data science point of view regarding the use of digital technology, including artificial intelligence, for better personalized medicine?
  • How do patients perceive the use of digital technology to advance medical research and care?
  • Where are the legal challenges for using artificial intelligence in clinical research, development and routine?

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