Friday 24 May 2024


We’re experiencing a seismic shift in the world of work due to the adoption of new technologies including artificial intelligence. This shift presents a major opportunity for public and private organisations; however, it also brings risks. A recent survey from Workday identifies an AI trust gap forming in the workforce, with employees showing lower levels of trust than those in leadership roles. This panel will highlight the opportunities of AI in the workplace, discuss what can be done to close the trust gap, and examine the role of skills and education to build trust, connect people with jobs, and bring underrepresented groups into the workforce. Questions relate to four areas:

  • Opportunities: What opportunities can the adoption of AI in the workplace bring to organisations, and are these opportunities only economic or can they also improve the wellbeing of employees?
  • Risks: Why do you think a trust gap is forming and what can be done to close it; what should be the role of government and regulation?
  • Skills: Can skills-based employment practices which leverage AI bring more diversity and inclusion to the workplace?
  • Education: Can improvements to curricula and re/up skilling of employees help build trust in the use of AI?


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